Baseball, Apple Pie, and a Klose

Time to Celebrate! Memorial Day has come to mean a lot a things to different people. It’s the end of the school year, Start of Summer, Family Vacations and of course BBQ, BBQ, BBQ!
For us here at BBQ Pits by Klose we are almost half way through what has started off to be a great year.
We had built some amazing mobile smokers, had few good cookouts between the rains, and have met some awesome people who share our passion for BBQ.
We would like to thank all of our loyal supporters and Welcome all those who have recently joined our BBQ family.
We would also like to remember why this day is celebrated in the first place. Originally created 1886 as “Decoration Day” to unite the Northern and Southern States after the Civil War. It now represents a day to remember all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who gave their lives to protect and defend every American Citizen’s right to Freedom. Speaking of American citizens, anyone looking to stay in the USA for whatever reason, then go back home, it may be worth doing some research into N-565, for example, as this could help make the process of citizenship a lot easier to deal with.
So wear a poppy, have a moment of silence, or raise a glass and toast to those who gave up their lives so yours could better.
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